Why Direct Personal Contact with Nature is Naturally Beneficial

By Dr. Peter Martin. In August 1856, Johann Fuhlrott, a school teacher and keen naturalist from Germany’s Neander valley, received a few old bones from a local quarryman. There is no record of what his students thought of these relics, but Fuhlrott recognised that they were human-like yet different from anything he had seen previously. […]

Outdoor Education and Developing Leadership Skills

By Liz Horne. The first real adventure away from home, be it to visit family who live a long way away, a school camp, or a slumber party at a friend’s house, stirs some level of anticipation, whether excitement, freedom, wonder; or dread, nervousness, anxiety. Regardless of the generation, there will always be the human […]


By Donna Lawrence. In recent years a new word has entered the vernacular of the travel world. The word is voluntourism, and it is also commonly referred to as volunteer travel, volunteer vacations or vacanteerism. According to Wikipedia, this style of travel is quiet simply “travel which includes volunteering for a charitable cause”. Many would […]


By Dr Paul Salmon and Miranda Cornelissen. Led outdoor activities are an integral part of young Australians’ development, health and physical education. Despite their popularity, recent high-profile accidents, such as the drowning of a 12-year-old student during a college camp, pose a serious threat to the industry. Injury-causing accidents will continue to occur during led […]


Victoria’s iconic Great Ocean Road offers teachers and students a number of incredible and unique outdoor experiences scattered all along its coastline. Even if you can only access the Great Ocean Road by bus or have to travel there from interstate, the abundance of activities and sights along this famous route makes the destination well […]


By Terry Barry. There are many ways to journey in the outdoors. Bushwalking, river rafting, ski touring, cycling, climbing, caving and snorkelling are all popular and excellent ways of exploring. Sea kayaking is another way of  introducing students to the outdoors, and it is growing in popularity with good reason. Sea kayaking has many advantages […]

Destination Profile: Canberra

Canberra is one of the most popular school excursion destinations in Australia and each year over 165,000 students visit the city on a school excursion to be part of the unique experience that the national capital has to offer. History Of Canberra In January 1901, the Australian colonies became the Australian nation and the new […]

Destination Profile: New Zealand

By Brad Atwal. New Zealand may only be three hours away from Australia’s east coast but in terms of its natural and cultural heritage, it is like stepping into another world. The landscapes that inspired the creators of movies such as ‘Lord of the Rings’ and the ‘Chronicles of Narnia’ have also inspired travellers from […]

The Magical Mornington Peninsula

By Penelope Rowe. Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula is so close to the city of Melbourne, yet it promises a lifestyle that is far removed from what the city has to offer. Not only does this enchanting coastline boast glorious beaches, national parks, walking trails and scenery, but it also serves up an extraordinary range of attractions […]